
Accelerate your cybersecurity vulnerability analysis and testing with automated AI-powered, machine assisted binary analysis in a scalable and flexible modular framework.

cybersecurity professional viewing analysis

Move beyond traditional firmware analysis

Binary analysis today involves a non-deterministic process using multiple non-connected, disparate tools employed by very skilled, experienced humans struggling to keep up with evolving industry standards and massive data input across a huge spectrum of technology targets. Troy™ does it better. 


Improve Transparency & Trust in the Software Supply Chain

Unlock the power of transparency and enhance your software supply chain security, providing comprehensive visibility into the intricate layers of your software components.

Monitor Diverse Technology Stacks

Targets application/malware & firmware from internet connected devices, mobile, and network appliances built atop multiple architectures.

Advanced Analytics

Extract and automate decades of know-how while bridging disciplines. 

Continuous Automated Workflows

Decrease workflow time from weeks to days with improved performance and preempted disruptions. 

Modular Framework

Augments industry known, leading tools providing the ability to automate their use and develop custom workflows.

Built by Experts is a founding member of Microsoft’s Firmware Security Partner Network and provides services to the Department of Defense.

Ready to meet the future of cybersecurity?

Discover the power of AI/ML in automated vulnerability assessment and analysis on binaries and more quickly inform analysts and preempt threats. Request a demo for a guided tour of Troy™. Privacy Policy