Joining Fact Tables

Joining fact tables can be done but there are some inherent risks so you need to be careful when joining fact tables is required. In the following simple scenario, we have a fact of authors to articles and a separate fact of articles to pageviews. Our customer has asked for the ability to 1) find the authors who have provided the most content in a given time period, find the articles which have the greatest number of pageviews for a given time period and 3) find the authors with the highest number of pageviews in a given time period. Our data model can be seen here:

To answer the first two questions is done by using a simple select statement joining a single fact table with the date dimension and the associated other associated dimensions to retrieve the answer.



The third requirement will compel us to join two fact tables to get the answer. Remember to join a fact table you need at least one common dimension shared between the facts to accomplish this task. In this scenario, DIM_ARTICLE will be the common dimension which we will use.


These simple joins work well on small and medium sized fact tables but as the fact tables increase in size your performance may suffer and therefore you may want to be prepared to address these challenges.

There are two other specific issues to be aware of and avoid, Chasm Traps and Fan Traps.

Chasm traps are queries that require measures from more than one fact table. In the data model below we see 2 separate fact tables, one for sales and one for returns. A common request may be to show the net profit (sales – returns) for the 4th quarter of 2018. We may be tempted to join these two dimensions on DIM_DATE and get the results of the sum of sales and the sum of returns.

Let’s walk through the example by running each query separately. First, let’s get the total sales for each store for the 3rd quarter of 2018 using the following query:


Store ID Store Name Units Sold Gross Sales
2 NEW YORK 2109 18,532.55
7 PORTLAND 2094 18,205.14
6 PHILADELPHIA 2058 18,117.64
4 WASHINGTON 2062 17,948.92
9 SAN FRANCISCO 2040 17,647.64
5 SEATTLE 2034 17,638.31
1 ONLINE 2053 17,599.21
8 BOSTON 2010 17,286.39
3 LOS ANGELES 1962 17,008.89

Next, let’s get the total refunds for each store for the 3rd quarter of 2018 using the following query:


Store ID Store Name Units Returned Gross Returns
6 PHILADELPHIA 68 602.66
3 LOS ANGELES 67 580.03
7 PORTLAND 64 569.28
2 NEW YORK 61 526.16
4 WASHINGTON 62 526.05
9 SAN FRANCISCO 58 510.32
8 BOSTON 52 442.92
1 ONLINE 48 414.57
5 SEATTLE 43 382.70

Finally, let’s put both of these together into a single query with the following query:


Store Name Units
7 PORTLAND 12140 105,680.48 8007 69,802.46
6 PHILADELPHIA 11718 102,838.25 7942 69,391.35
2 NEW YORK 11692 101,895.82 7732 67,121.34
1 ONLINE 11545 99,375.88 7628 66,735.25
5 SEATTLE 11441 99,165.43 7485 64,984.80
4 WASHINGTON 11414 99,132.33 7607 66,445.23
9 SAN FRANCISCO 11434 99,110.30 7697 66,808.76
8 BOSTON 11444 98,324.45 7609 66,681.70
3 LOS ANGELES 11250 97,627.69 7442 64,708.52

The results are inflated due to the cross join which will occurs between the fact tables when trying to get a group function result.

To avoid the chasm trap you need to separate the functions into the base SQL statements we originally designed to verify our results, adding zeros for the columns from the other table, and then union the statements together, wrap them in a SQL statement.


Store Name Units Sold Gross Sales Units Returned Gross Returns Net Units Sold Net Sales
NEW YORK 2109 18,533 61 526.16 2048 18,006
PORTLAND 2094 18,205 64 569.28 2030 17,636
PHILADELPHIA 2058 18,118 68 602.66 1990 17,515
WASHINGTON 2062 17,949 62 526.05 2000 17,423
SEATTLE 2034 17,638 43 382.70 1991 17,256
ONLINE 2053 17,599 48 414.57 2005 17,185
SAN FRANCISCO 2040 17,648 58 510.32 1982 17,137
BOSTON 2010 17,286 52 442.92 1958 16,843
LOS ANGELES 1962 17,009 67 580.03 1895 16,429

Fan traps occur when there is a that require measures from more than one fact table in a master detail relationship. An example of this is an order and order detail relationship.

For this example, our customer has given us a requirement to calculate the average order item. If we try to sum the order value from the fact order table and then sum the quantity of items ordered from the order detail to help us get the average the order value may be inflated due to the cartesian join between the fact tables. Let’s start with a simple select between the customer dimension and the FACT_ORDER table.


Customer ID Customer Name Order Value
[email protected] Emmy Cuevas 353.80

But when we add in the FACT_ORDER_DTL to the query the result changes in the sum from the FACT_ORDER table.


Customer ID Customer
Qty Detail
[email protected] Emmy Cuevas 381.70 38 353.80

Again, this will be exacerbated by the additional number of line items in the FACT_ORDER_DTL to the cross join between the fact tables.

The way to address this challenge can be done in multiple ways. The first is to ignore the FACT_ORDER (parent) when summing information from the FACT_ORDER_DTL (child). If you rely only on the detail table you can be assured your answer will be correct.

Another way to address this challenge is to adjust the design by removing the FACT_ORDER table and inserting the ORDER_ID as a degenerate dimensional value into the FACT_ORDER_DTL. Privacy Policy